What if God doesn’t exist?

What if when we die we’re just bured in the ground or burned to ashes and that’s the end of the story? 

What if there is no bright light or pearly gates? 

What if there’s no one there to great us when we die? 

What if we die and no loved ones to run to us and hug us?

What if this life wasn’t a test or just an experience?

What if there will be no one there to judge us according to our behavior and the way we treated others on this earth?

What if there is no God?

What if there is no Jesus?

Oh but what if there is?

Suppose we live a life of prayer, church and scripture and turns out none of it was true. Would it mean that the kindness or unkindness we show and the things we do matter any less or that our kindness didn’t count? Perhaps we should ask the people we are kind or unkind to. It matters to them and makes a difference in their life. Kindness counts. It doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. In the end if none of it was true I will have lived a better life because I believe that God is real.


I’m convinced that God blessed me with children for many reasons, the biggest reason is for him to be able to teach me, through them. The other day my young daughter kept asking me “why?”. Not in the annoying way, she sincerely was trying to understand a situation. I tried to explain it to her the best I could but sometimes it’s hard to put adult life into context that a child can understand. Sometimes you just have to explain it to the best of your ability on her level and leave it at that. “You will understand one of these days” type scenario. Sometimes children aren’t capable of understanding certain things or some things they aren’t mature enough to understand.

I think that perhaps we as adults aren’t always capable of understanding everything. God see’s the big picture, like we often do as parents and he knows what is best for us. He is our father. And perhaps many times when we don’t understand why things happen we need to just take a step back and realize it’s in Gods hands. Then, let it go and know that one day, this life or next, we will better understand why. He knows better than we do.  I know I need to have more trust in him but it’s hard because I always want to know WHY.  It’s a simple three letter word but it’s a hard one to let go of.  My new goal is to stop asking “why” and just do what he asks of me.  I know how frustrating it is when I ask my kids to do something and they keep asking why.  I don’t always have the time or patients to stop and explain precisely why something needs to be done.  The job could already be finished if they would not worry about why but instead have trust and JUST DO IT.