Cleaning Out My Night Stand-Not Even Close to Cleaning Out My Closet

The healing ????

It took me over 2 hours to clean out my side table. Not mine and my husbands, just mine. It’s one of those things that had been somewhere on the “To-Do” list, somewhere down low enough that it was forgotten.

It all started because my sister-in-law posted on Instagram that she was doing some cleaning and organization thing that Ashley Rose Reeves was doing. I didn’t think much of it except for the fact that my sister-in-law has four young girls and a cute house that is clean and well kept everytime I see it. I’ll admit it was a bit of an eye roll from me because her house already seems de-cluttered to me and in better condition than mine.

I had no intentions of joining this cleaning and organizing movement that @ashleyrosereeves was doing. Until, we were leaving my brothers teams basketball game and I made a comment that my nightstand was discusting and I really need to clearn it out. My daughter responded with something like, “your entire room grosses me out!”. Ouch! It’s true the truth does hurt and there’s nothing I appreciate more than a healthy dose of truth. I figured the side table would be a small task, needs to be done and I’ll feel accomplished. I started what I thought would be a quick task I would’ve guessed it would take me 30 minutes.

At first I was laughing and joking about it. I was shocked by the number of books and magazines that I had shoved under there. It filled a Home Depot storage box. There were so many random items, pictures, coasters, camera’s, bullets, jewelery that I have and never worn and have no intentions of wearing, etc. Why in the world have I kept so much stuff?

By the time I reached the two hour mark the laughter from earlier had stopped. My husband had gone to bed and I was left with my thougts. I slowly started to realize how disconnected I’ve been.. I’ve been in survival mode for at least 2 years. I’ve worked long hours at work and my home and family life have been sacrificed. I just can’t live that way anymore.

I see the value that it brings me to have a clean space. I know it effects my mood. And I know it’s time to change it. Consistency is key as it is easy to fall back into hold habits.

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